Photographer: ÄMR EZZELDINN @aezzeldinn :: Model: ALLEGRA @fawnfaced :: Art Direction: YAHIA BEDEIR @yehiabedier :: Production: TEMPLE ARTISTS @templeartists

Photographed and Styled by Theo Gosselin @theogosselin :: @joan._________ @florianmalingehairstylist @aurelie_dehecq @barbaraikkache @lgamanagement

Photographer, Chris Scheurich @cjs1022 :: Stylist, Ali McNally at SEE Management @itsalimcnally @seemanagement :: Model, Annabelle Landry at Next Models LA @k4ng4roor4t @nextmodelsla :: All clothing Dolce&Gabbana @dolcegabbana

Photographed Antonio Andrade @antonio_andradef :: Styled by Martielo Toledo @martielotoledo :: Models: Pietra Vasconcelos @pietravm_, Rafaela Rocha @eurafaelarocha from Moyo Management, Camille @camillereiss from @susanlima_milamgm, Alphonse William @alphonse_will and Flávio Montak @flaviomontak from FORD Models Minas :: Production: Arízio Melo @ariziomelo___________ :: Special thanks: Susan Lima F @susanlima_milamgmt

Creative Director: Deylin Malachi @deylinuniverse :: Photographer: Ben Mall @ben.mall :: Stylist: Tamryn Seale @tamsbaby_ :: Model: Jared van der Berg – unsigned @jaredvanderberg_

Artist: Elizabeth Ramos @ramoseliza

Photography & Creative Direction & Location Scouting: Anton Idaho www.antonidaho.com @antonidaho :: Fashion Styling Frances Guzmán www.sinacentoenlae.co | @sinacentoenlae :: Hair and Makeup: Maria P. @mariapmua :: Model Daniella Marina | @daniellamarinaa from View Management | @viewmanagement

Photography by Luis Ayora @luisayora | www.luisayora.com :: Stylist – Ana San Jose @anasanjose_ :: Muah – Angela Blanco @angela_blanco_ | www.angelablanco.es :: Models – Aury P from Trend Agency @aurypimentel1 @trendmodelsmgmt, Giselle from Zerek Studio @gisellenaranjov @zerek_studio, Gala Sánchez from Isla Management @90.gsc @isla_management, Lorena Cortijo from Blow models @lorenaadiias @blowmodels

Model: Keira // @keiradeloney2024 Agency: Page Parkes // @pageparkescorp :: Creative Direction: Stepp & Dreedn // @steppdreedn :: Stills: Alicia Stepp // @aliciastepptx
Motion: Kevin Shivers // @dreedn.ig :: Makeup + Hair: Heather Fitzgerald // @theheatherfitzgerald Styling: Ashley McPherren // @wearhousestyle

Photography: MASA HAMANOI @A.K.A. @masahamanoi http://masahamanoi.com :: Fashion: YOSHIKI @stylistyoshiki http://yoshiki0317.tumblr.com :: Hair: RITSU @iamritsu http://ritsu-hair.com :: Playdesign & Make-up: YOSHi.T @yoshi.t7 http://www.yoshi-t7.com/top.html :: Model: Yuto Ebihara @TOMORROW TOKYO @yutoebhr

Production, Creative Direction and Stylism – Paola Gadsky @gadskystudio :: Photography – Laura Prim @lauraprim :: Muah – Nuria Cobos @nuriacobosb :: Model – Tatiana Guido @tatianaguidov at @trendmodelsmgmt

Artist: Mariana Marinato @marianamarinatos

Creative director, stylist and art: Laura Martinez @lau35mm :: Photographer and creative director: Paula Díaz @pauladiazmarcos :: Models: Carlota Marco @carlotamarko from One Management and Luana Gabriele (@luana_gdv) from Uno Models

Photographer: Sophia Liv Maguire :: Talent/Stylist: Alvina Bokhari :: Makeup Artist: Molly Whiteley :: Designers: Marshall James, No Noey Knitting Studio, and Zn Ali

Photographed By Julian Besson @julianphotographies