Amanda is wearing shorts by ATELIERD.ISAGIO @atelierd.isagio

left: Cesar is wearing a denim trouser by UNIFORM, t-shirt and leather jacket from the stylist archive, shirt by, POLO vintage and shoes by DR. MARTENS @drmartensofficial.

Amanda is wearing a skirt and fur coat from the stylist, archive, t-shirt by VNTD 22 @22vntd and necklace by MONILIA @monilia.m

right: Cesar is wearing a denim trouser by UNIFORM and t-shirt by VNTD 22 @22vntd

Amanda is wearing a t-shirt VNTD 22 @22vntd, socks and tank top from the stylist archive.

Cesar is wearing an overalls from the sylist archive, slip by TEZENIS @tezenisofficial and a necklace from vintage archive

left: Cesar is wearing an overalls from the sylist archive and a knitted, shirt and suit jacket by CHAPTER _Y @chapterybrand

Cesar is wearing a knitted shirt by by CHAPTER _Y @chapterybrand

Amanda is wearing a leather jacket and corset from the sylist archive, jeans by LEVIS and necklace by MONILIA @monilia.m

Art Director and stylist: Eleonora Cavilli | @ellycavilli

Photographer: Luigi Giovenale | @luigigiovenale

Make-up artist: Marta Moschetto @martamakeupartist__

Models: Amanda Bortot @amandabortot from Euphoria Fashion Agency @euphoriafashionagency  :: Cesar Corso @cesar_corso from Agency: Fashion Art Wise @fashionartwise 

Production: Palazzo Studio |